April 23, 2007

Bible Study Notes


Gen 2:15-25

Why were Adam and Eve placed in the Garden?

What was their relationship with God like?

What would be like to have a transparent relationship with God?

"And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (1 Timothy 2:14)

Who did Adam listen to, then? Did he listen and follow Eve, or God?

I had a thought come to me the other morning as I was contemplating this discussion: One way of interpreting this gaining of knowledge of good and evil is to call it the beginning of wisdom. I suggest that the "sin" of the garden is not disobedience, but wisdom. Upon eating of the fruit, the first humans became fearful of God and strived to cover their nakedness and hid. Proverbs 1:1, I believe says that "Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” What do you think?

Gen 3:1-13

Did the serpent lie?

So, the serpent did lie. What was the direct effect? That is, explain what happened next. We already mentioned spiritual death. And then what?

Fear. Fear which led humankind to separate itself from God. We created the separateness, not God. We turned away from Him. I think this is a crucial point that must be understood in the contest of all of Scripture.