I've come to the conclusion that the Lord's Supper (aka Communion) is all about "the worship filled life". It's about integrating Jesus into the very essence/core of our beings. His life, which is true life, becomes our life, not through the elements of communion but by the studying of His Word, worshipping Him in spirit and truth, and by praying with Him on a regular basis. The Lord's Supper drives this lesson home in a truly concrete manner if we have ears to hear our Lord.
The only way to truly consume Christ our Savior is to devour His Word through diligent and faith-filled study and by drinking in His Spirit by praying with God on a regular basis. Worshiping in spirit and in truth brings these things all together. Humility and service then, become our right response and are empowered, not by us, but by our Lord within us.
Christopher Randolph