The Story of Cain is an explicit example of the "Simple Hermeneutic". It's a negative example in that Cain didn't love God first, nor did he love his neighbor second. Instead he placed himself first. As a result he became further seperated from God.
It's clear from this story that this is a relationship issue and that because of Cain's self-centerdness, his relationship with God --which is very close at the beginning of the story -- suffers deeply, even though God still loves Cain deeply at the end of the story.In a way, though, Cain is us just as his parents are us.
We hide ourselves from God. We try to cover our sleves up so that God won't see us. Our perfect realtionship with God is ruined and we are seperated from total communion with Him (i.e. we're chucked out of the Garden).
But God was still with humankind after we were removed from the Garden. The realtionship was still open and strong. When was the last time that any of us had the same kind of free flowing conversation with God that Cain enjoyed? And, yes Cain loved God. He didn't want to be banished from God and he meant well with his offering. He didn't think of God first and bring him the first and the best. No, Cain saved the first and the best for himself. But Cain loved God. He got really angry when ?God didn't accept his offering. Would he have gotten mad if he didn't care? I don't think so. He didn't heed God's warning, though and he let his anger get the best of him. In a jealous rage, he killed his brother and then tried to cover it up from God. Obviously, he neither placed God first or his brother before himself. In this way he further distanced himself from God. But, even though Cain (us?) was removed from the immediate presence of God, he still enjoyed God's protection. The parting was not what either party wanted. Both God and Cain still loved the other. Cain just couldn't do what he had to do to stay with God.
(Hmmm. Does that remind you of anyone?)
There is no doubt that Cain screwed up (just like we do). There's no doubt that his lack of slef control and self-centeredness created a chasm between himself and God (just like ours do). But, when the Holy Spirit showed me the love that exists between God and Cain in this story, it just opened things up to a new level. It makes the murder that much more poignant. It makes God's words to Cain that much richer. It makes Cains words that much more shocking. And, it makes the final seperation all the more agonizing.
The closeness of the two also makes Cain's self-centeredness that much more "in-your-face" especially when taken into a Christian context of an open relationship with God through Christ Jesus. It begs the question: "How am I different than Cain?" Or even, "Am I any different than Cain?" In a word; NO. And it pains me to no end.
What is the application of this teaching?
I believe that the lesson is two fold. First, it offers hope to unbelievers. God loves you inspight of everything you may have done to get away from Him. Secondly, it is a call to believes to get close to God; to get rid of those things that are barriers to our relationship with God. God wants us to be with Him. We keep ourselves from Him. We often believe that we can't actually get to Him. We feel "cursed". But Christ Jesus has split the curtain that kept us away from God. It's up to us to walk into the holy of holies and be with our Creator.