April 06, 2006

Influx of viewers

Wow, there certainly has been an influx of readers lately. God is great! Just when I was about to give up on "A Christian Voice", He sent people here. This is awesome. I do wonder who you are and how you found out about "A Christian Voice". Also, your feedback is very welcome so I can improve this site. So, please comment on any article you read and do sign the guest book.

To me, surfing the internet is a lot like the travelling I used to do when I was younger. I would load up a backpack with esssentials and hit the road. I travelled from one tip of Great Britain to the other, through the Yukon and Alaska and even across Australia this way. One of the neat things in all the Hostells was the guest books that people from all over the world had signed and writtten comments in.

And, do come back. I'm working to improve "A Christian Voice". One thing to look forward to in the very near future will be a devotional. My plan is to make this a daily episode that readers such as yourself will be able to subscribe to.

Thanks for coming.

Be blessed,
