June 12, 2007


vv. 6-15 = Love God....vv. 16-21 = Love your neighbor ...

As for the other questions:

No. One cannot gain righteousness by following the 10 Commandments. Righteousness is by grace alone. If one does attempt to be righteous by following the 10 commandments one is focusing on words and deeds and not God (and therefore is automatically breaking the first Commandment).

And finally...I say that if one focuses, instead, upon Loving God and Loving one's neighbor, one will automatically find one's self coming into alignment with the 10 Commandments (and then some). I believe that God's will supersedes God's Law. The latter is an outcome of the former. God's Will has been in place from the beginning of time.

June 07, 2007

Study Questions

(Just to give you something to ponder for a bit, here are some questions directly out of the original study.)

Deut 5:1-21

Who can sum up verses 6-15 in one sentence?

Who can sum up verses 15-21 in one sentence?

Can a person become righteous by following the 10 Commandments?

If one attempts to follow the 10 Commandments, on what is one focusing?

If one focuses on the two Great commandments, will one break any of the 10 Commandments?

Have fun and, as always, be Blessed and a blessing.
